Results for 'Tulakov Jakhongir Turakul Ugli'

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  1. The Importance of Alternative Solar Energy Sources and the Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Solar Panels in this Process.Tulakov Jakhongir Turakul Ugli - 2019 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 3 (4):70-78.
    Abstract: This article reviews and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of alternative solar energy and the use of solar panels in this process. The solar energy that is falling on the photoelements under a certain angle depends on environmental climax, season, and location. Atmospheric changes also lead to changes in the transverse and direct rays of light, which does not change the light, spectrum and intensity of falling light. These changes will change the principle of operation of the QES. Also, (...)
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  2. The place of Amir Temur’s Military art in Bobur’s Military Wisdom.Qodirov Jakhongir - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 3 (5):6-7.
    Abstract: Bobur was a leader who could notice the situation, carried out strategic plans with proficiency, used army and weapon well, could define his rivals’ weak points with sensitiveness, in trouble situations didn’t lose himself, wasn’t proud of his success. Bobur’s another achievement of army was artillery army.English historian Rashbruk Uilyams emphasized: ”The main reason of Bobur’s triumph in India being the only financial factor was strong artillery”.
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  3. The Origin of «Khorazmiys» (Based on Source Analysis).Qodirov Jakhongir - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 3 (5):3-5.
    Abstract: In the beginning of the 20th century a scientific issue of the initial territorial distribution of the abuser was raised and later debated. Scientific literature has different views on the issue. Their controversial aspects are explained above.
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  4. A New Geoecological Situation in the Aral Sea Region As A Result of the Aral Sea Drainage.Aminov Bexzod Baxrom Ugli & Khaitmuratov Alijon Olimjon Ugli - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) 3 (6):19-26.
    This article highlights the information on the various negative consequences in the Aral Sea region emerged as a result of the Aral Sea drainage and their solutions.
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  5. Interactive Ways of Teaching Languages to School Children.Usmanaliev Khusniddin Murodjon Ugli - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 3 (4):50-55.
    Abstract: This article is devoted to the explanation of new methods of teaching a foreign language, i.e. English at primary schools. It contains some facts and researchers’ experience, as well. Revealing the drawbacks of the current educational system in language sphere, the author suggests some fruitful ways of teaching language to young pupils.
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  6. The Problem of the Aral Sea and The Aral Sea Basin, Its Consequences and Solutions.Quchqarova Dilbar, Ataeva Nazira Polvonnazarovna & Aminov Bexzod Baxrom Ugli - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 3 (4):40-48.
    Abstract: This article discloses information on the geo-ecological problems of the Aral Sea, coming out from the water drying and its positive solutions.
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  7. Mahinungdanong Kabilin: Ang Panghunahuna ni Jose Maria Sison (A Significant Legacy: The Jose Maria Sison Thought).Regletto Aldrich Imbong - 2024 - Aguipo Global South Journal 3:51-66.
    Kining papel mobatbat sa lima ka mga mahinungdanong kabilin ni Jose Maria Sison nga mao ang mga mosunod: una, pagpaduso sa usa ka anti-rebisyonistang baroganan; ikaduha, pagpalambo sa teorya sa malanatong gubat sa katawhan ni Mao Zedong; ikatulo, pagpa-asdang sa Marxistang panglantaw mahitungod sa hisgotanang kalinaw; ikaupat, paghatag og Marxistang sukaranan sa tinuhuan o relihiyon isip pwersa sa katilingbanong kausaban; ug ikalima, ang pagpatin-aw sa papel sa burukrata kapitalismo isip tungtungan sa pasismo. Tumong niining papel ang padayong pagpahiluna ni Sison (...)
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  8. Glossing the title of Bernard Shaw's Arms and the Man.Subhasis Chattopadhyay - manuscript
    I believe that as a teacher I must provide high quality content for my students. And all these should be available for free online so that bright students globally can choose which editions of a seminal text they can study. In every UG, PG examination, one is asked about the importance of the title of Shaw's play. In this paper I have illustrated by my own reading how one should and can approach the play. For scholars, my annotations referring to (...)
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  9. Bioethics A Very Short Introduction.Nanda Gopal Biswas - 2024 - Kolkata: Ababil Books.
    "Bioethics A Very Short Introduction" for UG level or beginners.
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  10. Theories of mixture in the early modern period. JEMS 4.1 (Spring).Lucian Petrescu (ed.) - 2015 - Zeta Books.
    Special issue of the Journal for Early Modern Studies (4.1., Spring 2005) Guest Editor: Lucian Petrescu. -/- .
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